Frozen Fire

Up on looking up
taking in the crisp air
That one last inhale felt
As if it froze
her thoughts
That seemed to be racing
All day
As her face felt pinched
As cold snowflakes brushed
Her skin
But a warmth enveloped her
For the thought frozen
Was of the hot sun
Which was filtered by
Gray skies and winter winds
In a blink of an eye
She knew winter was passing
Because of her thought
Not because of what she saw
In front of her
Beyond the present
If you looked at her face
You too can feel the warmth
For she was meant to
Walk among the hot breeze
Of the sun
For her skin was born
Kissed by rays of warmth
And her smile by burning embers
Created by the fire in her heart
all just melted before her

A Moment

In the quiet of the evening
He whispered in her ear
Sweetness of his words
Caressed her lips
And as a rose blooming
She flourished
Out stretching her reach
Touching the night sky
Stars flickering
As soft kisses of twilight
All this because of just
A few words
A moment in time
Taken to remember her
Only this she wanted
A moment in time
So her light gained
And she shared her
All this because of just
A few words
whispered in her ear


I’ve waited for your
Indian summer nights
Lingering warmth
On my skin
For the beaches to clear
So it’s just me
You would want near
Summer is only an
I’ve waited for you
To appear
And here you are in
All your glory
Dragging the heat
Upon your sunrise
This time around
You haven’t failed
To impress
Maybe you will last
Or just disappear
Just as fast
as the sun sets
hopefully tomorrow
you will still be here
keeping the chill away
and this heart at bay

She Could Only Dance

She tried walking
Her feet stumbled
There was no resistance
She could only dance
Each movement of her feet
Left her legs in a stance
As rhythmic waves
Her arms moved
Her fingers tapped
The air with every beat
Each sway
Forever smooth
Ever seen true joy
Look at her face
In the dance
Wait for her eyes to open
There you see it
For just a moment
You may experience
How it would be
To live her dance
To hear the song
Constantly at play
In her heart
She tried walking
Yet again
She could only dance

Dim Light (A Prayer)

In the quiet of the night
And the mind takes flight
The heart starts to speak
And slowly
As flooding waters
It will reveal what is hidden
Shedding the hurt within
The hurt you couldn’t imagine
Your insides twisted
And there under the dim
Night lamp
You come to understand
That which was pushed aside
To just have peace of mind
And to move on
Hurt the deepest part of you
Just because you choose
To see the best in them
It was allowed though
As opening a window
To let the outside in
And then as changing channels
Knowledge of truths are given
To you
Without asking all is revealed
Deepest part of you knew
To see it displayed
With your eyes
Is a different state of mind
None of that matters
When the hurt
Comes from
Lack of understanding
Of how different you truly are
That even through the hurt
A choice to still be kind
For there will be healing
With time
Just once a wish to be
With the same love
The silence is enough
It’s making my heart
Grateful for my words
That give me comfort
Grateful they can express
Helping the hurt inside
This will not change the
Best of me
Just who I give the
Best of me
If ever I choose to
When the hurt is healed
then the dim light
instead of protest
turns back to rest


Wind blown
Gone as a slight breeze
Caressed with the air
Meer brush of a kiss
Whispered particles
Of life’s promises
Held in both hands
Sands that tells time
Warmed in the heart
Transformed to fragile glass
The emotions we carry
Fleeting yet solid
At times we disappear
Into our own hidden places
Recovering from the onslaught
Of so many feelings
So many voices, faces
Flying away is what I wish
Yet I wait
for I don’t want
A temporary voyage
But one to last till
There is no more sun
And the wind stops
Caressing my face
Yet these will never be
Taken away
Nor my dreams
From yesterday
Living on an up and down
Escalator of realities
Surely I’ll wait
To disappear when
No one can miss this face
For they will be living
In their own dreams
Just then I’ll be gone
With out a trace


Reaching for the light
Is a constant pursuit
Even in darkness
A sparkle
Is life
When the sun
Meanders through the sky
It’s shadow am I
Flourishing through
The weeds in this path
Dancing in the rain
Quenching thirst
Of love
Leaves out stretched
To be held
In admiration
Each petal caressed
Grounded to the core
Roots held strong
Standing tall in the field
Sweet fresh scent
Indulged perfume
Uniquely beautiful
Fragrantly yours


Behind each one a story
From different lives
And places
Yet all the same
Most trying to do their best
Searching for happiness
Coping with sadness
Living day by day
In an endless routine
We tend only see these
When without permission
We are taken from our
Own daily rituals
When unknowningly
It’s as if we see the world
Through another’s eyes
Why someone may react
Or behave in a certain way
Positive or negative
For your benefit or injury
It’s good thing to leave
Your own mind
Seeing these faces
Has upbuilt the
Best parts of me
Not the way to have journeyed
Pain, fear, doubt
Freed through my tears
It’s only the first steps of many
Faces to never forget
Scars that will heal
And reveal greatness


I found my heart
Vulnerable and open
To see things
From another side
To learn a deeper compassion
From my own demise
It is profoundly
Life affirming
To be afraid is freeing
To accept another’s kindness
Increases your hope for
The future
Tears wash away doubt
That even now
Blessed that I’m loved
From down here to above