Frozen Fire

Up on looking up
taking in the crisp air
That one last inhale felt
As if it froze
her thoughts
That seemed to be racing
All day
As her face felt pinched
As cold snowflakes brushed
Her skin
But a warmth enveloped her
For the thought frozen
Was of the hot sun
Which was filtered by
Gray skies and winter winds
In a blink of an eye
She knew winter was passing
Because of her thought
Not because of what she saw
In front of her
Beyond the present
If you looked at her face
You too can feel the warmth
For she was meant to
Walk among the hot breeze
Of the sun
For her skin was born
Kissed by rays of warmth
And her smile by burning embers
Created by the fire in her heart
all just melted before her

Success – Misunderstood Concept

Many measure their success, by what they have acquired or accomplished. Success can be overlooked when we forget the bigger picture, each small triumph, important in its own way, these plateaus make for a pretty successful life.

For example, this last snow “storm”, made me reminisce of bigger actual storms, that impacted my life and strengthened my resolve.

I recall having to walk after these storms to work or none of the staff would be paid that week, no excuses; next having to step off a bus after a major storm into a cold puddle of slush, only to arrive just a few minutes late, at the other side of town and feeling unappreciated and defeated for even trying. Well I can keep going, there are a few stories like these and worse.

No regrets though, I believe that’s the beginning of success. Not seen by others or even by you, until you look within and realize where you are at this moment. Well, right now at home, only a mile from work, firm is closed for the day. All staff with their families.

If the weather was worse, no worries, I have all the information with me to make sure they will receive a paycheck this week. Even if I didn’t have all the information I would still figure it out. Not being proud, it’s just a fact, during Hurricane Sandy with just 10% power on my cell, that week all my staff was paid.

But you ask how does this translate to personal success?

It does because you feel fulfilled, when you know regardless of the weather, personal opinions of you, you succeed in getting the job done. No obstacle too great.

We, at times make the bricks that build these walls of obstacles.

Getting back to the weather, I have covered parking at work now and trusty clerk to come a get me in case of emergency. So the years of trying to survive the weather and making it to work, was worth the effort. Success, yes. Also the greatest success knowing you can help your staff, who still walk, catch transportation or drive long distances to get here. I know how they feel. About that covered parking, it didn’t stop me from grabbing the broom, I keep in the trunk and step out into the snow on Monday and help a few staff, clean their cars.

Success is sharing in the best moments of your life, enduring when you are yet to see the reasons why.

Best of all, having the choice after writing this article, should I have cafe con leite or hot chocolate; as I look out the window at the still white landscape of the courtyard in front of my apartment and Dulce, my yorkie, sleeping at my feet.

The bigger picture is looking successful and smiling at the journey yet to finish.
