Heart Tears


Trying to do what’s right isn’t the hardest part
It’s the letting go when your heart tears

Heart tears – a condition of heartache, that when words don’t console the heart; the heart without being consoled, it tears, crying within

Asking why and knowing why are of little importance
You know all the answers and all the reasons

Some how you opened more than you should have
Kept going so not to lose them
Imperfect heart lost them anyway
even if it may be temporary
the loss is felt as if forever

What was needed by them was for their betterment it was stated
But while this is so, the decision drastically made takes away
Not what you wanted but what you didn’t realize then you needed

Just asked for a chance for a different path, but the door is shut
So Bye became the only word to make sense the only word your trembling hands can write

While your head pounds to the rhythm of the rain drops outside

Heart tears, nothing to console
The only thing to do is write and pray
And wish for a better way
When prayer is answered,
forgiven and the heart tears wiped away

Who you are overall outweighs the momentary error
That the laughter, smiles and goodness shared grow to touch the
Magnificence of your love and how deep you truly care
That the “for a while” is true and short and time
Flies by your prayer’s persistence…

Philippians 4:6 – “…but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let YOUR petitions be made known to God.”