Night Sail to Paris Part 2


Reflection of a river’s edge
from here to there
from there to here
Bonjour Bonsoir
Que Vida
Through a lock water rises, water lowers
Manmade tide to ease nature’s force
Sing for me a duo
Hands on piano keys
Gliding through the water
May as well flown through the sky
Even better, sweet nothing
Que Vida
Bonsoir Bonjour
Life is what you choose to make it
Regardless of what is thrown to you
Music that plays, an unending melody
The sound is blocked and the
Heart refuses to listen
“Beija-me Beija-me muito”
If only that was true for me..
As water flows so do I, how can it be
That I flow through this life
Water changing with every ripple
So sweet you say not an easy task
“Beija-me Beija-me muito”
I hear them singing
One day he will and I will be flowing
River Seine, Enchante